Thursday, November 03, 2005

Uncle McDougal Wants YOU!

Dear Friends of McDougal,

Now that we've officially kicked off our fund raising for Suicide Squad, we need your help.

You don't need to shave your head, march on Washington, send money or anything like that, but if you could put one of these:

My God.
It's full of stars.

In the sidebar on your blog, we'd kindly appreceiate it.

If you'd like to help promote our cause, simply cut and paste the following code into your blogger template:

(center)(a href="") (img src="")(br)My God.
It's full of stars.(/center)(/a)

* Where ( ) are replaced by "<>". (The Blogger WYSIWYG editor is smarter than I.)

And you know what they say - "Having McDougal owe you a favor is better than having him sneak up behind you and punching you in the stomach."


At 7:08 AM, Blogger Monkey said...

Done and done.

We love McDougal and all of his friends.

At 7:26 AM, Blogger Adam Hatley said...

McDougal still has my copy of the Spice Girls Live.

At 8:14 AM, Blogger Friends of McDougal said...

I just talked to McDougal.

He said he didn't have it.

Said he never did.

Said you gave it to that French woman in Prague and she served sushi off of it at that thing we went to.

She thinks maybe you ate it.

At 8:34 AM, Blogger Adam Hatley said...

No...that was Barry Manalow's Greatest Hits...McDougal took my Spice Girls with him to prison when he was doing that 347 day stretch for exposing himself to a pack of blind nuns.

At 9:13 AM, Blogger Friends of McDougal said...

They wanted it. They all want it.

At 2:13 PM, Blogger The Hanged Man said...

Come on, McDougal.

This is a family joint.

Lay off the pills, man.

At 7:26 PM, Blogger The Hanged Man said...

I'm off to LA for a few days.

Wanted to sign off with a HUGE thank you to all of you who've hooked me up such a huge way lately.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Plenty of pics of the cast and updates when I get back next week.

Take care,

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Hypersonic said...

Done and DOne. You may want to check out the name of the Movie as DC Comics ( Time Warner) have dibs on the copyright of Suicide Squad. Just my dime's worth.

At 12:05 AM, Blogger Adam Hatley said...

It has been done. However, as long as the plot has nothing to do with the other plots, then all should be well...however, we are thinking of other names as well.

Suicide Squad [VHS] (1935)
Taxi driver Norman Foster joins the fire department's Suicide Squad, which is run by his girlfriend's father, but soon gets in trouble because he never seems to be at the right place at the right time. After being rejected by his boss and his girl, he has an opportunity to get back in everyone's good graces with a daring rescue. Joyce Compton, Robert Homans co-star. 60 min.
Category: Drama Director: Raymond K. Johnson
Cast: Joyce Compton, Norman Foster, Robert Homans
Rated: NR B&W

At 3:05 PM, Blogger josh williams said...

I tried to post the star box but failed so I posted a link. I support ya'll and yet hang my head in shame for my lack of computer prowess. I heard McDougal sold the Barry Manilow Greatests on ebay and made a chunk of cash, but hes still good people.


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