Sunday, February 05, 2006

Low Rent Writing

From the onset of development of the Suicide Squad script, we knew we were going to produce this thing ourselves, and we knew we weren't going to have much of a budget.

The first thought we had was to isolate the characters in a faraway place (ultimately settling on a barn in the middle of nowhere) and putting them in a life-and-death situation (characters all signed a suicide pact), and focusing more on the actors more than any special effects or stunts.

The end result of the first draft was a two-hour a group therapy session.

We knew we had a lot of work, but had developed our characters enough to build on.

So we started layering in action, drama, and suspense.

The end result is draft 6 of Suicide Squad, which is just a couple of weeks from completion.

We've learned a lot along the way, and we are geared up to start production in May.

We moved from an elaborate soundtrack with artists from Johnny Cash to Elliot Smith, before realizing we had a talented musician within our network of close friends, and we ultimately signed Robby Grant of Vending Machine to score the film for us.

We wanted to keep the film as inexpensive as possible, but to get the highest quality director and cast and crew we could afford. We've managed to secure a cast of professional working actors (check their IMDB entries and reels over there -->

And we're starting to secure a great crew.

Not to mention a new co-executive producer, who's bringing significant capital resources to the project. With our current commitments, we're hoping to lock funding by the end of the month, so that we can finally focus on the production of the film.

We know we have a very short timeline. Our goal is to get our film ready for festival submission by mid-August. If anyone knows a really fast, really good editor who's willing to work for peanuts and bottle caps (and points), send him or her our way!

We've been discussing film in general quite extensively over here in recent weeks, but as we move closer to production, we will obviously focus more on the making of Suicide Squad.

Thanks, everyone, for your continued support, and look forward to some big news in the coming weeks.

Don't forget to stop by Box of Stars to help support our project. Star owners can promote their own Web sites or blogs, and support our film at the same time.


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