Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Executive Producer II

Agreed! On my end, I have location after location. With the location comes price wars. Who is going to give me what I want for the best price.

When we first started this project, I had no idea where I was going to find a Barn in Los Angeles, that would appear to be in the midwest. Not only have I found one, but now I have to pick between about 10 barns. Who knew?

Once the location is set, it is time to establish lighting, sound, and the key part of any movie...a cinemaphotographer that knows what the hell they are doing, and that will work for art and food instead of cash.

What Glenn forgot to mention about our Executive Job is, we have also begun early advertisement for "Suicide Squad". So while swithing hats from Executive Produce, to Actor, to Rookie Sound Guy, Clueless Lighting Guy, Lost Location Scout, we now wear the Early Marketing Hat too.

I do love this business, and this side of the coin is new to me. Being just the actor in film and TV is cake. Everything is done for you. All the actor does is show up and do his work and become famous. Doing both, has opened my eyes to the nature of the beast and has only increased my love for the art even more.


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