Sunday, November 20, 2005

Mixing Business with Art

As I noted in my last post, we've been expending a lot of energy on creating Web traffic in hopes of securing enough attention to raise some additional funds via our fund raising Web site (

In the midst of all this, I am trying to finalize the 5th and hopefully final draft of the screenplay.

Between locking down contracts, finalizing our accounting set-up, and chasing investors across the country, I've not been putting the amount of time needed into the re-write.

Between our efforts on MySpace, PixelsUSA, Craig's List, eBay, blogger land, and so forth, I've moved away from what got us here in the first place -- the story.

Adam and I have great confidence in the Suicide Squad script. We've got a great story, cast, and director. This confidence is shared by our initial investors and others who've read the script.

But we're still $50,000 short of our fund raising goal. This concern over fund raising has led us to swallow our pride and resort to flat out begging for investment capital. Not something I'm used to doing, and certainly nothing I'm excessively proud of, but I believe strongly in the story, and will do everything in my power to pull this thing off.

But we can't do it without the final script.

So, I'll be taking a break from my non-stop promoting to focus on the writing side of the business for the next few weeks.

With the exception of a few press releases here and there, and some already scheduled media events, I'm going on the down-low to do the behind the scenes creative work that has gotten us this far.


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